Tag Archives: Target marketing

Business Forecasting – Some Thoughts About Scope

In many business applications, forecasting is not a hugely complex business. For a sales forecasting, the main challenge can be obtaining the data, which may require sifting through databases compiled before and after mergers or other reorganizations. Often, available historical data goes back only three or four years, before which time product cycles make comparisons iffy. Then, typically, you plug the sales data into an automatic forecasting program, one that can assess potential seasonality, and probably employing some type of exponential smoothing, and, bang, you produce forecasts for one to several quarters going forward.

The situation becomes more complex when you take into account various drivers and triggers for sales. The customer revenues and income are major drivers, which lead into assessments of business conditions generally. Maybe you want to evaluate the chances of a major change in government policy or the legal framework – both which are classifiable under “triggers.” What if the Federal Reserve starts raising the interest rates, for example.

For many applications, a driver-trigger matrix can be useful. This is a qualitative tool for presentations to management. Essentially, it helps keep track of assumptions about the scenarios which you expect to unfold from which you can glean directions of change for the drivers – GDP, interest rates, market conditions. You list the major influences on sales in the first column. In the second column you indicate the direction of this influences (+/-) and in the third column you put in the expected direction of change, plus, minus, or no change.

The next step up in terms of complexity is to collect historical data on the drivers and triggers – “explanatory variables” driving sales in the company. This opens the way for a full-blown multivariate model of sales performance. The hitch is to make this operational, you have to forecast the explanatory variables. Usually, this is done by relying, again, on forecasts by other organizations, such as market research vendors, consensus forecasts such as available from the Survey of Professional Forecasters and so forth. Sometimes it is possible to identify “leading indicators” which can be built into multivariate models. This is really the best of all possible worlds, since you can plug in known values of drivers and get a prediction for the target variable.

The value of forecasting to a business is linked with benefits of improvements in accuracy, as well as providing a platform to explore “what-if’s,” supporting learning about the business, customers, and so forth.

With close analysis, it is often possible to improve the accuracy of sales forecasts by a few percentage points. This may not sound like much, but in a business with $100 million or more in sales, competent forecasting can pay for itself several times over in terms of better inventory management and purchasing, customer satisfaction, and deployment of resources.

Time Horizon

When you get a forecasting assignment, you soon learn about several different time horizons. To some extent, each forecasting time horizon is best approached with certain methods and has different uses.

Conventionally, there are short, medium, and long term forecasting horizons.

In general business applications, the medium term perspective of a few quarters to a year or two is probably the first place forecasting is deployed. The issue is usually the budget, and allocating resources in the organization generally. Exponential smoothing, possibly combined with information about anticipated changes in key drivers, usually works well in this context. Forecast accuracy is a real consideration, since retrospectives on the budget are a common practice. How did we do last year? What mistakes were made? How can we do better?

The longer term forecast horizons of several years or more usually support planning, investment evaluation, business strategy. The M-competitions suggest the issue has to be being able to pose and answer various “what-if’s,” rather than achieving a high degree of accuracy. Of course, I refer here to the finding that forecast accuracy almost always deteriorates in direct proportion to the length of the forecast horizon.

Short term forecasting of days, weeks, a few months is an interesting application. Usually, there is an operational focus. Very short term forecasting in terms of minutes, hours, days is almost strictly a matter of adjusting a system, such as generating electric power from a variety of sources, i.e. combining hydro and gas fired turbines, etc.

As far as techniques, short term forecasting can get sophisticated and mathematically complex. If you are developing a model for minute-by-minute optimization of a system, you may have several months or even years of data at your disposal. There are, thus, more than a half a million minutes in a year.

Forecasting and Executive Decisions

The longer the forecasting horizon, the more the forecasting function becomes simply to “inform judgment.”

A smart policy for an executive is to look at several forecasts, consider several sources of information, before determining a policy or course of action. Management brings judgment to bear on the numbers. It’s probably not smart to just take the numbers on blind faith. Usually, executives, if they pay attention to a presentation, will insist on a coherent story behind the model and the findings, and also checking the accuracy of some points. Numbers need to compute. Round-off-errors need to be buried for purposes of the presentation. Everything should add up exactly.

As forecasts are developed for shorter time horizons and more for direct operation control of processes, acceptance and use of the forecast can become more automatic. This also can be risky, since developers constantly have to ask whether the output of the model is reasonable, whether the model is still working with the new data, and so forth.

Shiny New Techniques

The gap between what is theoretically possible in data analysis and what is actually done is probably widening. Companies enthusiastically take up the “Big Data” mantra – hiring “Chief Data Scientists.” I noticed with amusement an article in a trade magazine quoting an executive who wondered whether hiring a data scientist was something like hiring a unicorn.

There is a lot of data out there, more all the time. More and more data is becoming accessible with expansion of storage capabilities and of course storage in the cloud.

And really the range of new techniques is dazzling.

I’m thinking, for example, of bagging and boosting forecast models. Or of the techniques that can be deployed for the problem of “many predictors,” techniques including principal component analysis, ridge regression, the lasso, and partial least squares.

Probably one of the areas where these new techniques come into their own is in target marketing. Target marketing is kind of a reworking of forecasting. As in forecasting sales generally, you identify key influences (“drivers and triggers”) on the sale of a product, usually against survey data or past data on customers and their purchases. Typically, there is a higher degree of disaggregation, often to the customer level, than in standard forecasting.

When you are able to predict sales to a segment of customers, or to customers with certain characteristics, you then are ready for the sales campaign to this target group. Maybe a pricing decision is involved, or development of a product with a particular mix of features. Advertising, where attitudinal surveys supplement customer demographics and other data, is another key area.

Related Areas

Many of the same techniques, perhaps with minor modifications, are applicable to other areas for what has come to be called “predictive analytics.”

The medical/health field has a growing list of important applications. As this blog tries to show, quantitative techniques, such as logistic regression, have a lot to offer medical diagnostics. I think the extension of predictive analytics to medicine and health care ism at this point, merely a matter of access to the data. This is low-hanging fruit. Physicians diagnosing a guy with an enlarged prostate and certain PSA and other metrics should be able to consult a huge database for similarities with respect to age, health status, collateral medical issues and so forth. There is really no reason to suspect that normally bright, motivated people who progress through medical school and come out to practice should know the patterns in 100,000 medical records of similar cases throughout the nation, or have read all the scientific articles on that particular niche. While there are technical and interpretive issues, I think this corresponds well to what Nate Silver identifies as promising – areas where application of a little quantitative analysis and study can reap huge rewards.

And cancer research is coming to be closely allied with predictive analytics and data science. The paradigmatic application is the DNA assay, where a sample of a tumor is compared with healthy tissue from the same individual to get an idea of what cancer configuration is at play. Indeed, at that fine new day when big pharma will develop hundreds of genetically targeted therapies for people with a certain genetic makeup with a certain cancer – when that wonderful new day comes – cancer treatment may indeed go hand in hand with mathematical analysis of the patient’s makeup.

The On-Coming Tsunami of Data Analytics

More than 25,000 visited businessforecastblog, March 2012-December 2013, some spending hours on the site. Interest ran nearly 200 visitors a day in December, before my ability to post was blocked by a software glitch, and we did this re-boot.

Now I have hundreds of posts offline, pertaining to several themes, discussed below. How to put this material back up – as reposts, re-organized posts, or as longer topic summaries?

There’s a silver lining. This forces me to think through forecasting, predictive and data analytics.

One thing this blog does is compile information on which forecasting and data analytics techniques work, and, to some extent, how they work, how key results are calculated. I’m big on computation and performance metrics, and I want to utilize the SkyDrive more extensively to provide full access to spreadsheets with worked examples.

Often my perspective is that of a “line worker” developing sales forecasts. But there is another important focus – business process improvement. The strength of a forecast is measured, ultimately, by its accuracy. Efforts to improve business processes, on the other hand, are clocked by whether improvement occurs – whether costs of reaching customers are lower, participation rates higher, customer retention better or in stabilization mode (lower churn), and whether the executive suite and managers gain understanding of who the customers are. And there is a third focus – that of the underlying economics, particularly the dynamics of the institutions involved, such as the US Federal Reserve.

Right off, however, let me say there is a direct solution to forecasting sales next quarter or in the coming budget cycle. This is automatic forecasting software, with Forecast Pro being one of the leading products. Here’s a YouTube video with the basics about that product.

You can download demo versions and participate in Webinars, and attend the periodic conferences organized by Business Forecast Systems showcasing user applications in a wide variety of companies.

So that’s a good solution for starters, and there are similar products, such as the SAS/ETS time series software, and Autobox.

So what more would you want?

Well, there’s need for background information, and there’s a lot of terminology. It’s useful to know about exponential smoothing and random walks, as well as autoregressive and moving averages.  Really, some reaches of this subject are arcane, but nothing is worse than a forecast setup which gains the confidence of stakeholders, and then falls flat on its face. So, yes, eventually, you need to know about “pathologies” of the classic linear regression (CLR) model – heteroscedasticity, autocorrelation, multicollinearity, and specification error!

And it’s good to gain this familiarity in small doses, in connection with real-world applications or even forecasting personalities or celebrities. After a college course or two, it’s easy to lose track of concepts. So you might look at this blog as a type of refresher sometimes.

Anticipating Turning Points in Time Series

But the real problem comes with anticipating turning points in business and economic time series. Except when modeling seasonal variation, exponential smoothing usually shoots over or under a turning point in any series it is modeling.

If this were easy to correct, macroeconomic forecasts would be much better. The following chart highlights the poor performance, however, of experts contributing to the quarterly Survey of Professional Forecasters, maintained by the Philadelphia Fed.


So, the red line is the SPF consensus forecast for GDP growth on a three quarter horizon, and the blue line is the forecast or nowcast for the current quarter (there is a delay in release of current numbers). Notice the huge dips in the current quarter estimate, associated with four recessions 1981, 1992, 2001-2, and 2008-9. A mere three months prior to these catastrophic drops in growth, leading forecasters at big banks, consulting companies, and universities totally missed the boat.

This is important in a practical sense, because recessions turn the world of many businesses upside down. All bets are off. The forecasting team is reassigned or let go as an economy measure, and so forth.

Some forward-looking information would help business intelligence focus on reallocating resources to sustain revenue as much as possible, using analytics to design cuts exerting the smallest impact on future ability to maintain and increase market share.

Hedgehogs and Foxes

Nate Silver has a great table in his best-selling The
Signal and the Noise
on the qualities and forecasting performance of hedgehogs and foxes. The idea comes from a Greek poet, “The fox knows many little things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”

Following Tetlock, Silver finds foxes are multidisplinary, adaptable, self-critical, cautious, and empirical, tolerant of complexity. By contrast, the Hedgehog is specialized, sticks to the same approaches, stubbornly adheres to his model in spite of counter-evidence, is order-seeking, confident, and ideological. The evidence suggests foxes generally outperform hedgehogs, just as ensemble methods typically outperform a single technique in forecasting.

Message – be a fox.

So maybe this can explain some of the breadth of this blog. If we have trouble predicting GDP growth, what about forecasts in other areas – such as weather, climate change, or that old chestnut, sun spots? And maybe it is useful to take a look at how to forecast all the inputs and associated series – such as exchange rates, growth by global region, the housing market, interest rates, as well as profits.

And while we are looking around, how about brain waves? Can brain waves be forecast? Oh yes, it turns out there is a fascinating and currently applied new approach called neuromarketing, which uses headbands and electrodes, and even MRI machines, to detect deep responses of consumers to new products and advertising.

New Methods

I know I have not touched on cluster analysis and classification, areas making big contributions to improvement of business process. But maybe if we consider the range of “new” techniques for predictive analytics, we can see time series forecasting and analysis of customer behavior coming under one roof.

There is, for example, this many predictor thread emerging in forecasting in the late 1990’s and especially in the last decade with factor models for macroeconomic forecasting. Reading this literature, I’ve become aware of methods for mapping N explanatory variables onto a target variable, when there are M<N observations. These are sometimes called methods of data shrinkage, and include principal components regression, ridge regression, and the lasso. There are several others, and a good reference is The Elements of Statistical Learning, Data Mining, Learning and Prediction, 2nd edition, by Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman. This excellent text is downloadable, accessible via the Tools, Apps, Texts, Free Stuff menu option located just to the left of the search utility on the heading for this blog.

There also is bagging, which is the topic of the previous post, as well as boosting, and a range of decision tree and regression tree modeling tactics, including random forests.

I’m actively exploring a number of these approaches, ginning up little examples to see how they work and how the computation goes. So far, it’s impressive. This stuff can really improve over the old approaches, which someone pointed out, have been around since the 1950’s at least.

It’s here I think that we can sight the on-coming wave, just out there on the horizon – perhaps hundreds of feet high. It’s going to swamp the old approaches, changing market research forever and opening new vistas, I think, for forecasting, as traditionally understood.

I hope to be able to ride that wave, and now I put it that way, I get a sense of urgency in keeping practicing my web surfing.

Hope you come back and participate in the comments section, or email me at [email protected]

Changes to Businessforecastblog in 2014 – Where We Have Been, Where We Are Going

We’ve been struggling with a software glitch in WordPress, due to, we think, incompatibilities between plug-in’s and a new version of the blogging software. It’s been pretty intense. The site has been fully up, but there was no possibility of new posts, not even a notice to readers about what was happening. All this started just before Christmas and ended, basically, yesterday.

So greetings. Count on daily posts as rule, and I will get some of the archives accessible ASAP.

But, for now, a few words about my evolving perspective.

I came out of the trenches, so to speak, of sales, revenue, and new product forecasting, for enterprise information technology (IT) and, earlier, for public utilities and state and federal agencies. When I launched Businessforecastblog last year, my bias popped up in the secondary heading for the blog – with its reference to “data-limited contexts” – and in early posts on topics like “simple trending” and random walks.


I essentially believed that most business and economic time series are basically one form or another of random walks, and that exponential smoothing is often the best forecasting approach in an applied context. Of course, this viewpoint can be bolstered by reference to research from the 1980’s by Nelson and Plosser and the M-Competitions. I also bought into a lazy consensus that it was necessary to have more observations than explanatory variables in order to estimate a multivariate regression. I viewed segmentation analysis, so popular in marketing research, as a sort of diversion from the real task of predicting responses of customers directly, based on their demographics, firmagraphics, and other factors.

So the press of writing frequent posts on business forecasting and related topics has led me to a learn a lot.

The next post to this blog, for example, will be about how “bagging” – from Bootstrap Aggregation – can radically reduce forecasting errors when there are only a few historical or other observations, but a large number of potential predictors. In a way, this provides a new solution to the problem of forecasting in data limited contexts.

This post also includes specific computations, in this case done in a spreadsheet. I’m big on actually computing stuff, where possible. I believe Elliot Shulman’s dictum, “you don’t really know something until you compute it.” And now I see how to include access to spreadsheets for readers, so there will be more of that.

Forecasting turning points is the great unsolved problem of business forecasting. That’s why I’m intensely interested in analysis of what many agree are asset bubbles. Bursting of the dot.com bubble initiated the US recession of 2001. Collapse of the housing market and exotic financial instrument bubbles in 2007 bought on the worst recession since World War II, now called the Great Recession. If it were possible to forecast the peak of various asset bubbles, like researchers such as Didier Sornette suggest, this would mean we would have some advance – perhaps only weeks of course – on the onset of the next major business turndown.

Along the way, there are all sorts of interesting sidelights relating to business forecasting and more generally predictive analytics. In fact, it’s clear that in the era of Big Data, data analytics can contribute to improvement of business processes – things like target marketing for customers – as well as perform less glitzy tasks of projecting sales for budget formulation and the like.

Email me at [email protected] if you want to receive PDF compilations on topics from the archives. I’m putting together compilations on New Methods and Asset Bubbles, for starters, in a week or so.