Category Archives: accuracy of forecasts

Surprising Revision of First Quarter GDP

I showed a relative this blog a couple of days ago, and, wanting “something spicy,” I pulled up The Record of Failure to Predict Recessions is Virtually Unblemished. The lead picture, as for this post, is Peter Sellers in his role as “Chauncey Gardiner” in Being There. Sellers played a simpleton mistaken for a savant, who would say things that everyone thought was brilliant, such as “There will be growth in the Spring.”

Well, last Wednesday, the US Bureau of Economic Analysis released a third revision of its estimate of the 1st quarter 2014 real GDP growthdown from an initial estimate of a positive .1 percent to -2.9 percent growth at an annual rate.

The BEA News Release says,

Real gross domestic product — the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States — decreased at an annual rate of 2.9 percent in the first quarter of 2014 according to the “third” estimate released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis….

The decrease in real GDP in the first quarter primarily reflected negative contributions from private inventory investment, exports, state and local government spending, nonresidential fixed investment, and residential fixed investment that were partly offset by a positive contribution from PCE. Imports, which are a subtraction in the calculation of GDP, increased.

Looking at this graph of quarterly real GDP growth rates for the past several years, it’s clear that a -2.9 percent quarter-over-quarter change is a significant size.


Again, macroeconomic forecasters were caught off guard.

In February of this year, the Survey of Professional Forecasters released its 1st Quarter 2014 consensus forecasts with numbers like –


Some SPF participants do predict 2014 overall will be a year of recession, as the following chart shows, but they are a tiny minority.


A downward revision of almost 3 percentage points on the part of the BEA and almost 5 percent change for the median SPF forecast is poor performance indeed.

One hears things sped up in Q2, but on what basis I do not really know – and I am thinking of tracking key markets in future posts, such as housing, consumer spending, and so forth.

My feeling is that the quandary of the Fed – its desperate need to wind down asset purchases and restore interest rates to historic levels –creates an environment for a kind of “happy talk.”

Here’s some history on the real GDP.



Business Forecasting – Some Thoughts About Scope

In many business applications, forecasting is not a hugely complex business. For a sales forecasting, the main challenge can be obtaining the data, which may require sifting through databases compiled before and after mergers or other reorganizations. Often, available historical data goes back only three or four years, before which time product cycles make comparisons iffy. Then, typically, you plug the sales data into an automatic forecasting program, one that can assess potential seasonality, and probably employing some type of exponential smoothing, and, bang, you produce forecasts for one to several quarters going forward.

The situation becomes more complex when you take into account various drivers and triggers for sales. The customer revenues and income are major drivers, which lead into assessments of business conditions generally. Maybe you want to evaluate the chances of a major change in government policy or the legal framework – both which are classifiable under “triggers.” What if the Federal Reserve starts raising the interest rates, for example.

For many applications, a driver-trigger matrix can be useful. This is a qualitative tool for presentations to management. Essentially, it helps keep track of assumptions about the scenarios which you expect to unfold from which you can glean directions of change for the drivers – GDP, interest rates, market conditions. You list the major influences on sales in the first column. In the second column you indicate the direction of this influences (+/-) and in the third column you put in the expected direction of change, plus, minus, or no change.

The next step up in terms of complexity is to collect historical data on the drivers and triggers – “explanatory variables” driving sales in the company. This opens the way for a full-blown multivariate model of sales performance. The hitch is to make this operational, you have to forecast the explanatory variables. Usually, this is done by relying, again, on forecasts by other organizations, such as market research vendors, consensus forecasts such as available from the Survey of Professional Forecasters and so forth. Sometimes it is possible to identify “leading indicators” which can be built into multivariate models. This is really the best of all possible worlds, since you can plug in known values of drivers and get a prediction for the target variable.

The value of forecasting to a business is linked with benefits of improvements in accuracy, as well as providing a platform to explore “what-if’s,” supporting learning about the business, customers, and so forth.

With close analysis, it is often possible to improve the accuracy of sales forecasts by a few percentage points. This may not sound like much, but in a business with $100 million or more in sales, competent forecasting can pay for itself several times over in terms of better inventory management and purchasing, customer satisfaction, and deployment of resources.

Time Horizon

When you get a forecasting assignment, you soon learn about several different time horizons. To some extent, each forecasting time horizon is best approached with certain methods and has different uses.

Conventionally, there are short, medium, and long term forecasting horizons.

In general business applications, the medium term perspective of a few quarters to a year or two is probably the first place forecasting is deployed. The issue is usually the budget, and allocating resources in the organization generally. Exponential smoothing, possibly combined with information about anticipated changes in key drivers, usually works well in this context. Forecast accuracy is a real consideration, since retrospectives on the budget are a common practice. How did we do last year? What mistakes were made? How can we do better?

The longer term forecast horizons of several years or more usually support planning, investment evaluation, business strategy. The M-competitions suggest the issue has to be being able to pose and answer various “what-if’s,” rather than achieving a high degree of accuracy. Of course, I refer here to the finding that forecast accuracy almost always deteriorates in direct proportion to the length of the forecast horizon.

Short term forecasting of days, weeks, a few months is an interesting application. Usually, there is an operational focus. Very short term forecasting in terms of minutes, hours, days is almost strictly a matter of adjusting a system, such as generating electric power from a variety of sources, i.e. combining hydro and gas fired turbines, etc.

As far as techniques, short term forecasting can get sophisticated and mathematically complex. If you are developing a model for minute-by-minute optimization of a system, you may have several months or even years of data at your disposal. There are, thus, more than a half a million minutes in a year.

Forecasting and Executive Decisions

The longer the forecasting horizon, the more the forecasting function becomes simply to “inform judgment.”

A smart policy for an executive is to look at several forecasts, consider several sources of information, before determining a policy or course of action. Management brings judgment to bear on the numbers. It’s probably not smart to just take the numbers on blind faith. Usually, executives, if they pay attention to a presentation, will insist on a coherent story behind the model and the findings, and also checking the accuracy of some points. Numbers need to compute. Round-off-errors need to be buried for purposes of the presentation. Everything should add up exactly.

As forecasts are developed for shorter time horizons and more for direct operation control of processes, acceptance and use of the forecast can become more automatic. This also can be risky, since developers constantly have to ask whether the output of the model is reasonable, whether the model is still working with the new data, and so forth.

Shiny New Techniques

The gap between what is theoretically possible in data analysis and what is actually done is probably widening. Companies enthusiastically take up the “Big Data” mantra – hiring “Chief Data Scientists.” I noticed with amusement an article in a trade magazine quoting an executive who wondered whether hiring a data scientist was something like hiring a unicorn.

There is a lot of data out there, more all the time. More and more data is becoming accessible with expansion of storage capabilities and of course storage in the cloud.

And really the range of new techniques is dazzling.

I’m thinking, for example, of bagging and boosting forecast models. Or of the techniques that can be deployed for the problem of “many predictors,” techniques including principal component analysis, ridge regression, the lasso, and partial least squares.

Probably one of the areas where these new techniques come into their own is in target marketing. Target marketing is kind of a reworking of forecasting. As in forecasting sales generally, you identify key influences (“drivers and triggers”) on the sale of a product, usually against survey data or past data on customers and their purchases. Typically, there is a higher degree of disaggregation, often to the customer level, than in standard forecasting.

When you are able to predict sales to a segment of customers, or to customers with certain characteristics, you then are ready for the sales campaign to this target group. Maybe a pricing decision is involved, or development of a product with a particular mix of features. Advertising, where attitudinal surveys supplement customer demographics and other data, is another key area.

Related Areas

Many of the same techniques, perhaps with minor modifications, are applicable to other areas for what has come to be called “predictive analytics.”

The medical/health field has a growing list of important applications. As this blog tries to show, quantitative techniques, such as logistic regression, have a lot to offer medical diagnostics. I think the extension of predictive analytics to medicine and health care ism at this point, merely a matter of access to the data. This is low-hanging fruit. Physicians diagnosing a guy with an enlarged prostate and certain PSA and other metrics should be able to consult a huge database for similarities with respect to age, health status, collateral medical issues and so forth. There is really no reason to suspect that normally bright, motivated people who progress through medical school and come out to practice should know the patterns in 100,000 medical records of similar cases throughout the nation, or have read all the scientific articles on that particular niche. While there are technical and interpretive issues, I think this corresponds well to what Nate Silver identifies as promising – areas where application of a little quantitative analysis and study can reap huge rewards.

And cancer research is coming to be closely allied with predictive analytics and data science. The paradigmatic application is the DNA assay, where a sample of a tumor is compared with healthy tissue from the same individual to get an idea of what cancer configuration is at play. Indeed, at that fine new day when big pharma will develop hundreds of genetically targeted therapies for people with a certain genetic makeup with a certain cancer – when that wonderful new day comes – cancer treatment may indeed go hand in hand with mathematical analysis of the patient’s makeup.

Microsoft Stock Prices and the Laplace Distribution

The history of science, like the history of all human ideas, is a history of irresponsible dreams, of obstinacy, and of error. But science is one of the very few human activities perhaps the only one in which errors are systematically criticized and fairly often, in time, corrected. This is why we can say that, in science, we often learn from our mistakes, and why we can speak clearly and sensibly about making progress there. — Karl Popper, Conjectures and Refutations

Microsoft daily stock prices and oil futures seem to fall in the same class of distributions as those for the S&P 500 and NASDAQ 100 – what I am calling the Laplace distribution.

This is contrary to the conventional wisdom. The whole thrust of Box-Jenkins time series modeling seems to be to arrive at Gaussian white noise. Most textbooks on econometrics prominently feature normally distributed error processes ~ N(0,σ).

Benoit Mandelbrot, of course, proposed alternatives as far back as the 1960’s, but still we find aggressive application of Gaussian assumptions in applied work – as for example in widespread use of the results of the Black-Scholes theorem or in computing value at risk in portfolios.

Basic Steps

I’m taking a simple approach.

First, I collect daily closing prices for a stock index, stock, or, as you will see, for commodity futures.

Then, I do one of two things: (a) I take the natural logarithms of the daily closing prices, or (b) I simply calculate first differences of the daily closing prices.

I did not favor option (b) initially, because I can show that the first differences, in every case I have looked at, are autocorrelated at various lags. In other words, these differences have an algorithmic structure, although this structure usually has weak explanatory power.

However, it is interesting that the first differences, again in every case I have looked at, are distributed according to one of these sharp-peaked or pointy distributions which are highly symmetric.

Take the daily closing prices of the stock of the Microsoft Corporation (MST), as an example.

Here is a graph of the daily closing prices.


And here is a histogram of the raw first differences of those closing prices over this period since 1990.


Now in close reading of The Laplace Distribution and Generalizations I can see there are a range of possibilities in modeling distributions of the above type.

And here is another peaked, relatively symmetric distribution based on the residuals of an autoregressive equation calculated on the first differences of the logarithm of the daily closing prices. That’s a mouthful, but the idea is to extract at least some of the algorithmic component of the first differences.


That regression is as follows.


Note the deep depth of the longest lags.

This type of regression, incidentally, makes money in out-of-sample backcasts, although possibly not enough to exceed trading costs unless the size of the trade is large. However, it’s possible that some advanced techniques, such as bagging and boosting, regression trees and random forecasts could enhance the profitability of trading strategies.

Well, a quick look at daily oil futures (CLQ4) from 2007 to the present.


Not quite as symmetric, but still profoundly not a Gaussian distribution.

The Difference It Makes

I’ve got to go back and read Mandelbrot carefully on his analysis of stock and commodity prices. It’s possible that these peaked distributions all fit in a broad class including the Laplace distribution.

But the basic issue here is that the characteristics of these distributions are substantially different than the Gaussian or normal probability distribution. This would affect maximum likelihood estimation of parameters in models, and therefore could affect regression coefficients.

Furthermore, the risk characteristics of assets whose prices have these distributions can be quite different.

And I think there is a moral here about the conventional wisdom and the durability of incorrect ideas.

Top pic is Karl Popper, the philosopher of science

The NASDAQ 100 Daily Returns and Laplace Distributed Errors

I once ran into Norman Mailer at the Museum of Modern Art in Manhattan. We were both looking at Picasso’s “Blue Boy” and, recognizing him, I started up some kind of conversation, and Mailer was quite civil about the whole thing.

I mention this because I always associate Mailer with his collection Advertisements for Myself.

And that segues – loosely – into my wish to let you know that, in fact, I developed a generalization of the law of demand for the situation in which a commodity is sold at a schedule of rates and fees, instead of a uniform price. That was in 1987, when I was still a struggling academic and beginning a career in business consulting.

OK, and that relates to a point I want to suggest here. And that is that minor players can have big ideas.

So I recognize an element of “hubris” in suggesting that the error process of S&P 500 daily returns – up to certain transformations – is described by a Laplace distribution.

What about other stock market indexes, then? This morning, I woke up and wondered whether the same thing is true for, say, the NASDAQ 100.


So I downloaded daily closing prices for the NASDAQ 100 from Yahoo Finance dating back to October 1, 1985. Then, I took the natural log of each of these closing prices. After that, I took trading day by trading day differences. So the series I am analyzing comes from the first differences of the natural log of the NASDAQ 100 daily closing prices.

Note that this series of first differences is sometimes cast into a histogram by itself – and this also frequently is a “pointy peaked” relatively symmetric distribution. You could motivate this graph with the idea that stock prices are a random walk. So if you take first differences, you get the random component that generates the random walk.

I am troubled, however, by the fact that this component has considerable structure in and of itself. So I undertake further analysis.

For example, the autocorrelation function of these first differences of the log of NASDAQ 100 daily closing prices looks like this.


Now if you calculate bivariate regressions on these first differences and their lagged values, many of them produce coefficient estimates with t-statistics that exceed the magic value of 2.

Just selecting these significant regressors from the first 47 lags produces this regression equation, I get this equation.


Now this regression is estimated over all 7200 observations from October 1 1984 to almost right now.

Graphing the residuals, I get the familiar pointy-peaked distribution that we saw with the S&P 500.


Here is a fit of the Laplace distribution to this curve (Again using EasyFit).


Here are the metrics for this fit and fits to a number of other probability distributions from this program.


I have never seen as clear a linkage of returns from stock indexes and the Laplace distribution (maybe with a slight asymmetry – there are also asymmetric Laplace distributions).

One thing is for sure – the distribution above for the NASDAQ 100 data and the earlier distribution developed for the S&P 500 are not close to be normally distributed. Thus, in the table above that the normal distribution is number 12 on the list of possible candidates identified by EasyFit.

Note “Error” listed in the above table, is not the error function related to the normal distribution. Instead it is another exponential distribution with an absolute value in the exponent like the Laplace distribution. In fact, it looks like a transformation of the Laplace, but I need to do further investigation. In any case, it’s listed as number 2, even though the metrics show the same numbers.

The plot thickens.

Obviously, the next step is to investigate individual stocks with respect to Laplacian errors in this type of transformation.

Also, some people will be interested in whether the autoregressive relationship listed above makes money under the right trading rules. I will report further on that.

Anyway, thanks for your attention. If you have gotten this far – you believe numbers have power. Or you maybe are interested in finance and realize that indirect approaches may be the best shot at getting to something fundamental.

The Laplace Distribution and Financial Returns

Well, using EasyFit from Mathwave, I fit a Laplace distribution to the residuals of the regression on S&P daily returns I discussed yesterday.

Here is the result.


This beats a normal distribution hands down. It also appears to beat the Matlab fit of a t distribution, but I have to run down more details on forms of the t-distribution to completely understand what is going on in the Matlab setup.

Note that EasyFit is available for a free 30-day trial download. It’s easy to use and provides metrics on goodness of fit to make comparisons between distributions.

There is a remarkable book online called The Laplace Distribution and Generalizations. If you have trouble downloading it from the site linked here, Google the title and find the download for a free PDF file.

This book, dating from 2001, runs to 458 pages, has a good introductory discussion, extensive mathematical explorations, as well as applications to engineering, physical science, and finance.

The French mathematical genius Pierre Simon Laplace proposed the distribution named after him as a first law of errors when he was 25, before his later discussions of the normal distribution.

The normal probability distribution, of course, “took over” – in part because of its convenient mathematical properties and also, probably, because a lot of ordinary phenomena are linked with Gaussian processes.

John Maynard Keynes, the English economist, wrote an early monograph (Keynes, J.M. (1911). The principal averages and the laws of error which lead to them, J. Roy. Statist. Soc. 74, New Series, 322-331) which substantially focuses on the Laplace distribution, highlighting the importance it gives to the median, rather than average, of sample errors.

The question I’ve struggled with is “why should stock market trading, stock prices, stock indexes lead, after logarithmic transformation and first differencing to the Laplace distribution?”

Of course, the Laplace distribution can be generated as a difference of exponential distributions, or as combination of a number of distributions, as the following table from Kotz, Kozubowski, and Podgorski’s book shows.


This is all very suggestive, but how can it be related to the process of trading?

Indeed, there are quite a number of questions which follow from this hypothesis – that daily trading activity is fundamentally related to a random component following a Laplace distribution.

What about regression, if the error process is not normally distributed? By following the standard rules on “statistical significance,” might we be led to disregard variables which are drivers for daily returns or accept bogus variables in predictive relationships?

Distributional issues are important, but too frequently disregarded.

I recall a blog discussion by a hedge fund trader lamenting excesses in the application of the Black-Scholes Theorem to options in 2007 and thereafter.

Possibly, the problem is as follows. The residuals of autoregressions on daily returns and their various related transformations tend to cluster right around zero, but have big outliers. This clustering creates false confidence, making traders vulnerable to swings or outliers that occur much more frequently than suggested by a normal or Gaussian error distribution.

Energy Forecasts – Parting Shots

There is obviously a big difference between macro and micro, when it comes to energy forecasting.

At the micro-level – for example, electric utility load forecasting – considerable precision often can be attained in the short run, or very short run, when seasonal, daily, and holiday usage patterns are taken into account.

At the macro level, on the other hand – for global energy supply, demand, and prices – big risks are associated with projections beyond a year or so. Many things can intervene, such as supply disruptions which in 2013, occurred in Nigeria, Iraq, and Lybia. And long range energy forecasts – forget it. Even well-funded studies with star researchers from the best universities and biggest companies show huge errors ten or twenty years out (See A Half Century of Long-Range Energy Forecasts: Errors Made, Lessons Learned, and Implications for Forecasting).

Peak Oil

This makes big picture concepts such as peak oil challenging to evaluate. Will there be a time in the future when global oil production levels peak and then decline, triggering a frenzied search for substitutes and exerting pressure on the whole structure of civilization in what some have called the petrochemical age?

Since the OPEC Oil Embargo of 1974, there have been researchers, thinkers, and writers who point to this as an eventuality. Commentators and researchers associated with the post carbon institute carry on the tradition.

Oil prices have not always cooperated, as the following CPI-adjusted price of crude oil suggests.


The basic axiom is simply that natural resource reserves and availability are always conditional on price. With high enough prices, more oil can be extracted from somewhere – from deeper wells, from offshore platforms that are expensive and dangerous to erect, from secondary recovery, and now, from nonconventional sources, such as shale oil and gas.

Note this axiom of resource economics does not really say that there will never be a time when total oil production begins to decline. It just implies that oil will never be totally exhausted, if we loosen the price constraint.

Net Energy Analysis

Net energy analysis provides a counterpoint to the peak oil conversation. In principle, we can calculate the net energy contributions of various energy sources today. No forecasting is really necessary. Just a deep understanding of industrial process and input-output relationships.

Along these lines, several researchers and again David Hughes with the post carbon institute project that the Canadian tar sands have a significantly lower net energy contribution that, say, oil from conventional wells.

Net energy analysis resembles life cycle cost analysis, which has seen widespread application in environmental assessment. Still neither technique is foolproof, or perhaps I should say that both techniques would require huge research investments, including on-site observation and modeling, to properly implement.

Energy Conservation

Higher energy prices since the 1970’s also have encouraged increasing energy efficiency. This is probably one of the main reasons why long range energy projections from, say, the 1980’s usually look like wild overestimates by 2000.

The potential is still there, as a 2009 McKinsey study documents –

The research shows that the US economy has the potential to reduce annual non-transportation energy consumption by roughly 23 percent by 2020, eliminating more than $1.2 trillion in waste—well beyond the $520 billion upfront investment (not including program costs) that would be required. The reduction in energy use would also result in the abatement of 1.1 gigatons of greenhouse-gas emissions annually—the equivalent of taking the entire US fleet of passenger vehicles and light trucks off the roads.

The McKinsey folks are pretty hard-nosed, tough-minded, not usually given to gross exaggerations.

A Sense In Which We May Already Have Reached Peak Oil

Check this YouTube out. Steven Kopits’ view of supply-constrained markets in oil is novel, but his observations about dollar investment to conventional oil output seem to hit the mark. The new oil production is from the US in large part, and comes from nonconventional sources, i.e. shale oil. This requires more effort, as witnessed by the poor financials of a lot of these players, who are speculating on expansion of export markets, but who would go bust at current domestic prices.

For Kopits slides go here. Check out these graphs from the recent BP report, too.

Global Energy Forecasting Competitions

The 2012 Global Energy Forecasting Competition was organized by an IEEE Working Group to connect academic research and industry practice, promote analytics in engineering education, and prepare for forecasting challenges in the smart grid world. Participation was enhanced by alliance with Kaggle for the load forecasting track. There also was a second track for wind power forecasting.

Hundreds of people and many teams participated.

This year’s April/June issue of the International Journal of Forecasting (IJF) features research from the winners.

Before discussing the 2012 results, note that there’s going to be another competition – the Global Energy Forecasting Competition 2014 – scheduled for launch August 15 of this year. Professor Tao Hong, a key organizer, describes the expansion of scope,

GEFCom2014 ( will feature three major upgrades: 1) probabilistic forecasts in the form of predicted quantiles; 2) four tracks on demand, price, wind and solar; 3) rolling forecasts with incremental data update on weekly basis.

Results of the 2012 Competition

The IJF has an open source article on the competition. This features a couple of interesting tables about the methods in the load and wind power tracks (click to enlarge).


The error metric is WRMSE, standing for weighted root mean square error. One week ahead system (as opposed to zone) forecasts received the greatest weight. The top teams with respect to WRMSE were Quadrivio, CountingLab, James Lloyd, and Tololo (Électricité de France).


The top wind power forecasting teams were Leustagos, DuckTile, and MZ based on overall performance.

Innovations in Electric Power Load Forecasting

The IJF overview article pitches the hierarchical load forecasting problem as follows:

participants were required to backcast and forecast hourly loads (in kW) for a US utility with 20 zones at both the zonal (20 series) and system (sum of the 20 zonal level series) levels, with a total of 21 series. We provided the participants with 4.5 years of hourly load and temperature history data, with eight non-consecutive weeks of load data removed. The backcasting task is to predict the loads of these eight weeks in the history, given actual temperatures, where the participants are permitted to use the entire history to backcast the loads. The forecasting task is to predict the loads for the week immediately after the 4.5 years of history without the actual temperatures or temperature forecasts being given. This is designed to mimic a short term load forecasting job, where the forecaster first builds a model using historical data, then develops the forecasts for the next few days.

One of the top entries is by a team from Électricité de France (EDF) and is written up under the title GEFCom2012: Electric load forecasting and backcasting with semi-parametric models.

This is behind the International Journal of Forecasting paywall at present, but some of the primary techniques can be studied in a slide set by Yannig Goulde.

This is an interesting deck because it maps key steps in using semi-parametric models and illustrates real world system power load or demand data, as in this exhibit of annual variation showing the trend over several years.


Or this exhibit showing annual variation.


What intrigues me about the EDF approach in the competition and, apparently, more generally in their actual load forecasting, is the use of splines and knots. I’ve seen this basic approach applied in other time series contexts, for example, to facilitate bagging estimates.

So these competitions seem to provide solid results which can be applied in a real-world setting.

Top image from Triple-Curve

Highlights of National and Global Energy Projections

Christof Rühl – Group Chief Economist at British Petroleum (BP) just released an excellent, short summary of the global energy situation, focused on 2013.


Rühl’s video is currently only available on the BP site at –

Note the BP Statistical Review of World Energy June 2014 was just released (June 16).

Highlights include –

  • Economic growth is one of the biggest determinants of energy growth. This means that energy growth prospects in Asia and other emerging markets are likely to dominate slower growth in Europe – where demand is actually less now than in 2005 – and the US.
  • Tradeoffs and balancing are a theme of 2013. While oil prices remained above $100/barrel for the third year in a row, seemingly stable, underneath two forces counterbalanced one another – expanding production from shale deposits in the US and an increasing number of supply disruptions in the Middle East and elsewhere.
  • 2013 saw a slowdown in natural gas demand growth with coal the fastest growing fuel. Growth in shale gas is slowing down, partly because of a big price differential between gas and oil.
  • While CO2 emissions continue to increase, the increased role of renewables or non-fossil fuels (including nuclear) have helped hold the line.
  • The success story of the year is that the US is generating new fuels, improving its trade position and trade balance with what Rühl calls the “shale revolution.”

The BP Statistical Reviews of World Energy are widely-cited, and, in my mind, rank alongside the Energy Information Agency (EIA) Annual Energy Outlook and the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook. The EIA’s International Energy Outlook is another frequently-cited document, scheduled for update in July.

Price is the key, but is difficult to predict

The EIA, to its credit, publishes a retrospective on the accuracy of its forecasts of prices, demand and production volumes. The latest is on a page called Annual Energy Outlook Retrospective Review which has a revealing table showing the EIA projections of the price of natural gas at wellhead and actual figures (as developed from the Monthly Energy Review).

I pulled together a graph showing the actual nominal price at the wellhead and the EIA forecasts.


The solid red line indicates actual prices. The horizontal axis shows the year for which forecasts are made. The initial value in any forecast series is nowcast, since wellhead prices are available at only a year lag. The most accurate forecasts were for 2008-2009 in the 2009 and 2010 AEO documents, when the impact of the severe recession was already apparent.

Otherwise, the accuracy of the forecasts is completely underwhelming.

Indeed, the EIA presents another revealing chart showing the absolute percentage errors for the past two decades of forecasts. Natural gas prices show up with more than 30 percent errors, as do imported oil prices to US refineries.

Predicting Reserves Without Reference to Prices

Possibly as a result of the difficulty of price projections, the EIA apparently has decoupled the concept of Technically Recoverable Resources (TRR) from price projections.

This helps explain how you can make huge writedowns of TRR in the Monterey Shale without affecting forecasts of future shale oil and gas production.

Thus in Assumptions to AEO2014 and the section called the Oil and Gas Supply Module, we read –

While technically recoverable resources (TRR) is a useful concept, changes in play-level TRR estimates do not necessarily have significant implications for projected oil and natural gas production, which are heavily influenced by economic considerations that do not enter into the estimation of TRR. Importantly, projected oil production from the Monterey play is not a material part of the U.S. oil production outlook in either AEO2013 or AEO2014, and was largely unaffected by the change in TRR estimates between the 2013 and 2014 editions of the AEO. EIA estimates U.S. total crude oil production averaged 8.3 million barrels/day in April 2014. In the AEO2014 Reference case, economically recoverable oil from the Monterey averaged 57,000 barrels/day between 2010 and 2040, and in the AEO2013 the same play’s estimated production averaged 14,000 barrels/day. The difference in production between the AEO2013 and AEO2014 is a result of data updates for currently producing wells which were not previously linked to the Monterey play and include both conventionally-reservoired and continuous-type shale areas of the play. Clearly, there is not a proportional relationship between TRR and production estimates – economics matters, and the Monterey play faces significant economic challenges regardless of the TRR estimate.

This year EIA’s estimate for total proved and unproved U.S. technically recoverable oil resources increased 5.4 billion barrels to 238 billion barrels, even with a reduction of the Monterey/Santos shale play estimate of unproved technically recoverable tight oil resources from 13.7 billion barrels to 0.6 billion barrels. Proved reserves in EIA’s U.S. Crude Oil and Natural Gas Proved Reserves report for the Monterey/Santos shale play are withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data. However, estimates of proved reserves in NEMS are 0.4 billion barrels, which result in 1 billion barrels of total TRR.

Key factors driving the adjustment included new geology information from a U. S. Geological Survey review of the Monterey shale and a lack of production growth relative to other shale plays like the Bakken and Eagle Ford. Geologically, the thermally mature area is 90% smaller than previously thought and is in a tectonically active area which has created significant natural fractures that have allowed oil to leave the source rock and accumulate in the overlying conventional oil fields, such as Elk Hills, Cat Canyon and Elwood South (offshore). Data also indicate the Monterey play is not over pressured and thus lacks the gas drive found in highly productive tight oil plays like the Bakken and Eagle Ford. The number of wells per square mile was revised down from 16 to 6 to represent horizontal wells instead of vertical wells. TRR estimates will likely continue to evolve over time as technology advances, and as additional geologic information and results from drilling activity provide a basis for further updates.

So the shale oil in the Monterey formation may have “migrated” from that convoluted geologic structure to sand deposits or elsewhere, leaving the productive potential much less.

I still don’t understand how it is possible to estimate any geologic reserve without reference to price, but there you have it.

I plan to move on to more manageable energy aggregates, like utility power loads and time series forecasts of consumption in coming posts.

But the shale oil and gas scene in the US is fascinating and a little scary. Part of the gestalt is the involvement of smaller players – not just BP and Exxon, for example. According to Chad Moutray, Economist for the National Association of Manufacturers, the fracking boom is a major stimulus to manufacturing jobs up and down the supply chain. But the productive life of a fracked oil or gas well is typically shorter than a conventional oil or gas well. So some claim that the increases in US production cannot be sustained or will not lead to any real period of “energy independence.” For my money, I need to watch this more before making that kind of evaluation, but the issue is definitely there.

Data Analytics Reverses Grandiose Claims for California’s Monterey Shale Formation

In May, “federal officials” contacted the Los Angeles Times with advance news of a radical revision of estimates of reserves in the Monterey Formation,

Just 600 million barrels of oil can be extracted with existing technology, far below the 13.7 billion barrels once thought recoverable from the jumbled layers of subterranean rock spread across much of Central California, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said.

The LA Times continues with a bizarre story of how “an independent firm under contract with the government” made the mistake of assuming that deposits in the Monterey Shale formation were as easily recoverable as those found in shale formations elsewhere.

There was a lot more too, such as the information that –

The Monterey Shale formation contains about two-thirds of the nation’s shale oil reserves. It had been seen as an enormous bonanza, reducing the nation’s need for foreign oil imports through the use of the latest in extraction techniques, including acid treatments, horizontal drilling and fracking…

The estimate touched off a speculation boom among oil companies.

Well, I’ve combed the web trying to find more about this “mistake,” deciding that, probably, it was the analysis of David Hughes in “Drilling California,” released in March of this year, that turned the trick.

Hughes – a geoscientist working decades with the Geological Survey of Canada – utterly demolishes studies which project 15 billion barrels in reserve in the Monterey Formation. And he does this by analyzing an extensive database (Big Data) of wells drilled in the Formation.

The video below is well worth the twenty minutes or so. It’s a tour de force of data analysis, but it takes a little patience at points.

First, though, check out a sample of the hype associated with all this, before the overblown estimates were retracted.

Monterey Shale: California’s Trillion-Dollar Energy Source

Here’s a video on Hughes’ research in Drilling California

Finally, here’s the head of the US Energy Information Agency in December 2013, discussing a preliminary release of figures in the 2014 Energy Outlook, also released in May 2014.

Natural Gas 2014 Projections by the EIA’s Adam Sieminski

One question is whether the EIA projections eventually will be acknowledged to be affected by a revision of reserves for a formation that is thought to contain two thirds of all shale oil in the US.

Energy Forecasts – the Controversy

Here’s a forecasting controversy that has analysts in the Kremlin, Beijing, Venezuela, and certainly in the US environmental community taking note.

May 21st, Reuters ran a story UPDATE 2-U.S. EIA cuts recoverable Monterey shale oil estimate by 96 pct from 15.4 billion to 600 million barrels.


The next day the Guardian took up the thread with Write-down of two-thirds of US shale oil explodes fracking myth. This article took a hammer to findings of a USC March 2013 study which claimed huge economic benefits for California pursuing advanced extraction technologies in the Monterey Formation (The Monterey Shale & California’s Economic Future).

But wait. Every year the US Energy Information Agency (EIA) releases its Annual Energy Outlook about this time of the year.

Strangely, the just-released Annual Energy Outlook 2014 With Projections to 2014 do not show any cutback in shale oil production projections.

Quite the contrary –

The downgrade [did] not impact near term production in the Monterey, estimates of which have increased to 57,000 barrels per day on average between 2010 and 2040.. Last year’s estimate for 2010 to 2040 was 14,000 barrels per day.

The head of the EIA, Adam Sieminski, in emails with industry sources, emphasizes Technically Recoverable Reserves (TRR) are not (somehow) not linked with estimates of actual production.

At the same time, some claim the boom is actually a bubble.

What’s the bottom line here?

It’s going to take a deep dive into documents. The 2014 Energy Outlook is 269 pages long, and it’s probably necessary to dig into several years reports. I’m hoping someone has done this. But I want to followup on this story.

How did the Monterey Formation reserve estimates get so overblown? How can taking such a huge volume of reserves out of the immediate future not affect production estimates for the next decade or two? What is the typical accuracy of the EIA energy projections anyway?

According to the EIA, the US will briefly – for a decade or two – be energy independent, because of shale oil and other nonstandard fossil fuel sources. This looms even larger with geopolitical developments in Crimea, the Ukraine, Europe’s dependence on Russian natural gas supplies, and the recently concluded agreements between Russia and China.

It’s a great example of how politics can enter into forecasting, or vice versa.

Coming Attractions

While shale/fracking and the global geopolitics of natural gas are hot stories, there is a lot more to the topic of energy forecasting.

Electric power planning is a rich source of challenges for forecasting – from short term load forecasts identifying seasonal patterns of usage. Real innovation can be found here.

And what about peak oil? Was that just another temporary delusion in the energy futures discussion?

I hope to put up posts on these sorts of questions in coming days.